Kaballaksen maailmansota tuli sunnuntaina päätökseensä - viimeinen puristus kohti kuukausia jatkuneiden taisteluiden loppuhuipennusta käytiin kuudentoista armeijan välillä. Samalla inkvisiittori Colfer yritti selvitä ulos Apocalypse-mittasuhteisiin yltäneen Mega Battlen liekeistä kaappaamiensa Planet Killer -piirustusten kanssa. Fight Clubilla käytiin viikonloppuna kolme kierrosta synkkää scifisotaa ja ratkaistiin, suistuuko Kaballaksen keskusplaneetta kaaokseen ja anarkiaan vai voittaako keisarillinen järjestys!
6 Antti Halonen vs Jouni Haavisto 14
0 Teemu Juselius vs Eetu Torikka 20
20 Otto-Ville Virkkunen vs Jupe Heikkinen 0
9 Roni Landgrén vs Riku Saressalo 11
11 Topi Valtonen vs Jesse Lehto 9
0 Jussi Salonen vs Touko Kästämä 20
9 Jussi Lindeberg vs Noa Kaistinen 11
Second round pairings and results
11 Eetu Torikka vs Otto-Ville Virkkunen 9
16 Jouni Haavisto vs Noa Kaistinen 4
12 Topi Valtonen vs Jussi Lindeberg 8
7 Roni Landgrén vs Touko Kästämä 13
9 Antti Halonen vs Teemu Juselius 11
20 Jukka Halme vs Jupe Heikkinen 0
12 Jesse Lehto vs Jussi Salonen 8
Third round pairings and results
7 Teemu Juselius vs Noa Kaistinen 13
20 Antti Halonen vs Roni Landgrén 0
2 Jesse Lehto vs Jussi Lindeberg 18
20 Jouni Haavisto vs Otto-Ville Virkkunen 20
7 Jukka Halme vs Riku Saressalo 13
7 Topi Valtonen vs Eric Andersson 13
3 Eetu Torikka vs Touko Kästämä 17
Final standings
1. Touko Kästämä, Daemons of Slaanesh 54
2. Jouni Haavisto, Dark Eldar 53
3. Jussi Lindeberg, Exodite Eldar 41
4. Riku Saressalo, Orks 39
5. Antti Halonen, Blackmane Wolves 38
6. Eric Andersson, Imperial Guard 37
7. Jukka Halme, Chaos Space Marines 36
8. Eetu Torikka, Necrons 36
9. Jussi Salonen, Harlequins 33
10. Topi Valtonen, Imperial Guard 33
11. Otto-Ville Virkkunen, Tau Empire 32
12. Noa Kaistinen, Iron Warriors 29
13. Jesse Lehto, Tau Empire 25
14. Teemu Juselius, Space Marines 20
15. Roni Landgrén, Space Marines 19
16. Jupe Heikkinen, Space Marines 3
Paras armeija: Jussi Lindeberg, Eldar Exodites
Keisarin käsi: Jere Kortemaa, Dark Angels
Kaaoksen airut: Juha Kortemaa, Iron Warriors
Uuteen nousuun -tsemppipalkinto: Jupe Heikkinen, Space Marines
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Player: Jussi Salonen
Army: Harlequins
Masque of the Soaring Spite
Elite1: Shadowseer mastery level 2 (25) Mask of Secrets (15) [100]
Elite2: Solitaire [145]
Troop1: Troupe, troupe master & 4 players (95) 5 harlequin's caresses (40) [135] Warlord
Troop2: Troupe, troupe master & 4 players (95) 5 harlequin's caresses (40) [135]
Troop3: Troupe, troupe master & 4 players (95) 5 harlequin's caresses (40) [135] in Transport 1
Transport1: Starweaver [70]
FA1: Starweaver [70]
FA2: Starweaver [70]
HS: Voidweaver, prismatic cannon (5) [80]
Formation: Faolchu's Blade
FA1: 4 Skyweaver jetbikes (200) 4x zephyrglaives (40) [240]
FA2: 4 Skyweaver jetbikes (200) 4x zephyrglaives (40) [240]
HS: Voidweaver, prismatic cannon (5) [80]
Player: Jesse Lehto
Army: Tau Empire
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1 - Warlord: Ethereal (50), 2x equalisers (10), Recon armour (5) [65]
Elites1: XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), 2 additional Crisis Shas'ui (44), 6x Burst cannons (60), 3x Counterfire defence system (15) [141]
Elites2: XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), 1 additional Crisis Shas,ui (22), 6x Fusion blaster (60), 1x Target lock (5) [109]
Elites3: XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (90), 3x additional Steath Shas'ui (90) 5x Advanced targeting system (15), Shas'vre (10), Markerlight & Target lock (5), Fusion blaster (5) [225]
Troops1: Kroot Carnivores (60), Kroot hound (5) [65]
Troops2: Strike team (45), Fire warrior Shas'ui (10), Markerlight & Target lock (15), DS8 tactical support turret with smart missile system (10), Bonding knife ritual (5) [85]
Troops3: Strike team (45), 1x additional Fire warrior (9), Fire warrior Shas,ui (10), Makerlight & Target lock (15), DS8 tactical support turret with smart missile system (10) Bonding knife ritual (6) [95]
Troops4: Strike team (45), 7x additional Fire warriors (63), 12x Pulse carbines (0), Fire warrior Shas'ui (10), Bonding knife ritual (12) [130]
Troops5: Breacher team (45), 5x additional Fire warriors (45), Fire warrior Shas'ui (10), Bonding knife ritual (10), EMP grenades (20), 2x MV36 Guardian drones (24) [154]
FA1: TX4 Piranha (40) [40]
FA2: Pathfinder team (44), 3 additional Pathfinders (33), 2x Ion rifle (20), Pathfinder Shas'ui (10) [107]
HS1: TX7 Hammerhead gunship (125), Submunition rounds (5), twin-linked smart missile system (0), Longstrike (45), Distruption pod (15) [190]
HS2: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (65), Twin-linked High-yield missile pods (0), 1x Early warning override (5), 2x MV8 Missile dones (24) [94]
Player: Teemu Juselius
Army: Space Marines & Imperial Guard
Ultramarines CAD
HQ1: Librarian(65): ML2(25), force stave(0). [90]
TROOP1: Tactical Squad(70): Combi-melta(10), meltagun(10). [90] in transport1
TROOP2: Scout Squad(55): 4xSniper rifle(4x1), heavy bolter(8). [67]
ELITE1: Terminator Squad(175): Assault Cannon(20), chainfist(5). [200] in transport3
HS1: Thunderfire Cannon[100]
TRANSPORT1: Drop pod[35]
TRANSPORT2: Land Raider Redeemer(240): Multi-Melta(10). [250]
Astra Militarum Allied Detachment
HQ1: Lord Comissar(65): Power weapon(15). [80]
TROOP1: Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad(30): Meltabomb(5), 4xflamer(4x5). [55]
Infantry Squad I(50): Autocannon(10), Grenade Launcher(5). [65]
Infantry Squad II(50): Autocannon(10), Grenade Launcher(5). [65]
Special Weapons Squad(30): 3xMeltagun(3x10). [60]
FA1: Hellhound(125): Cityfighters(counts as dozerblade 5). [130]
HS1: Leman Russ Demolisher(170): Cityfighters(counts as dozerblade 5), Relic plating(3). [178]
Player: Roni Landgrén
Army: Imperial Fists Space Marines
HQ1: Captain Lysander [230] WARLORD
HQ2: Librarian (65) lvl 2 (25) terminator armour (25) force axe (0) [115]
ELITE1: 6 Assault terminator (210) 5 thss (50) [270]
ELITE2: 5 Terminator (175) chainfist (5) cyclone missile launcher (25) [205]
ELITE3: Drednought (100) 2 tl-autocannon (20) [120]
TROOP1: 5 Tactical marine (70) heavy bolter (10) [80] transport 1
TROOP2: 5 Scout (55) heavy bolter (5) teleport homer (5) [65]
FAST1: 5 Assault marine (70) flamer (5) [75] transport 2
FAST2: 5 Assault marine (70) flamer (5) [75] transport 3
FAST3: 2 Attack bike (80) 2 multi melta (20) [100]
TRANSPORT1: Rhino [35]
TRANSPORT2: Razorback [55]
TRANSPORT1: Razorback (55) tl-assault cannon (20) [75]
Player: Topi Valtonen
Army: Astra Militarum Strike Force Ironfist
Emperors' Fist Armoured Company Formation
HQ1: Colonel Galerius on "Iron Duke" (Pask, Vanquisher, Lascannon, Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber, Dozer Blade) with wingman Battle Tank "Hammer" (Lascannon, Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade)[425]
TROOP1: Punisher "Storm" (Lascannon, Heavy Bolters, H-K Missile, Heavy Stubber, Dozer Blade)[190]
TROOP2: Executioner "Bolt" (Lascannon, Multi-Meltas, Heavy Stubber, H-K Missile, Dozer Blade)[205]
TROOP3: Eradicator "Thunder"(Lascannon, Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber, H-K Missile, Dozer Blade)[170]
ELITE1: Techpriest Enginseer [40]
Support Infantry (CAD)
HQ1: Lord Comissar Nazarius (Power Sword, The Deathmask of Ollanius)[110]
TROOP1: Infantry Platoon Command Squad (Mortar, Bolter, Sniper)[38]
TROOP1.1: Squad A(Flamer, Melta Bombs)[60]
TROOP1.2: Squad B (Flamer, Melta Bombs)[60]
TROOP2: Infantry Platoon Command Squad (Mortar, Sniper)[37]
TROOP2.1: Squad A(Grenade Launcher, Autocannon)[65]
TROOP2.2: Squad B (Grenade Launcher, Autocannon)[65]
FAST1: Scout Sentinel (Flamer)[35]
Player: Antti Halonen
Army: Space Wolves - The Blackmanes Formation
HQ1: Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) - TDA(40),Black Death (25), Storm Shield(0) [115] [Warlord]
Elite1: 5 Wolf Guard Terminators (165) - 2 w/ P.Axe, S.Bolter, 2 w/ TH/SS (30), 1 w/ A.Cannon (20), P.Fist (10) [225]
Elite2: 5 Wolf Scouts (70) - CCWs, 4 B.Pistols, Meltagun (10) [80]
Troop1: 10 Grey Hunters (140) - 2 Meltaguns (20),9 CCWs (18), P.Axe (15), Pack Leader (10) w/ C-Melta (10), P.Axe (15) [228] in Transport1
Troop2: 10 Grey Hunters (140) - 2 Meltaguns (20),9 CCWs (18), P.Axe (15), Pack Leader (10) w/ C-Melta (10), P.Axe (15) [228] in Transport2
Troop3: 10 Grey Hunters (140) - 2 Plasmaguns (30),9 CCWs (18), P.Axe (15), Pack Leader (10) w/ C-Plasma (10), P.Axe (15) [238] in Transport3
Troop4: 5 Blood Claws [60] in Transport4
Troop5: 5 Blood Claws [60] in Transport5
Troop6: 5 Blood Claws [60] in Transport6
Fast1: Land Speeder (50) - 2 H.Bolters (10) [60]
HS1: 5 Long Fangs (75) - 4 Missiles (60) [135] in Transport7
Transport1: Drop Pod (0) - Locator Beacon (10pts) [10]
Transport2: Drop Pod [0]
Transport3: Drop Pod [0]
Transport4: Drop Pod [0]
Transport5: Drop Pod [0]
Transport6: Drop Pod [0]
Transport7: Drop Pod [0]
Player: Riku Saressalo
Army: ORKS
HQ1: Warboss (60) Mega armour, Twin-linked Shoota and Power Klaw (40) Bosspole (5) Da Lucky Stikk (25) [130] - Warlord
HQ2: Mad Dok Grotsnik (160) [160]
Troops 1: Boyz (60) Boss Nob (10) Bosspole (5) Power Klaw (25) [100] in Transport 1
Troops 2: Boyz (60) Boss Nob (10) Bosspole (5) Power Klaw (25) [100] in Transport 2
Elites 1: Tank Bustas (65) Boss Nob (10) Bosspole (5) 5 Additional Tank Bustas(5*13=65) [145] in Transport 3
Elites 2: Meganobz (120) 2 additional Meganobz (2*40=80)[200]
Fast 1: Stormboyz (45) 15 Additional Stormboyz (15*9=135) Boss Nob (10) Bosspole (5) Power Klaw (25) [220]
HS 1: Mek Gunz (18) 2 Additional Mek Gunz (2*18=36) 3 Lobbas (3*0=0) 3 Ammo Runts (3*3=9) [63]
HS 2: Flash Gitz (110) [110] in Transport 4
HS3: Battlewagon (110) 4Rokkits (4*5=20) [130]
Transport 1: Trukk (30) Rokkit (0) Reinforced Ram (5) [35]
Transport 2: Trukk (30) Rokkit (0) Reinforced Ram (5) [35]
Transport 3: Trukk (30) Rokkit (0) Reinforced Ram (5) [35]
Transport 4: Trukk (30) Rokkit (0) Reinforced Ram (5) [35]
Player: Jukka-Pekka Heikkinen
Army: Guardians of the Eye, Task Force Janus
CAD, Chapter Tactics Ultramarines
HQ1: Captain Galenos (145pts) [Iron Halo]Terminator Armour [Auspex, Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Combi-Melta]
Elite1: Cataphractii Terminator Squad Akakios (190pts) heavy flamer, chainfist, lightning claw
Elite2: Command Squad Koraddon (200pts) [Company Standard] Apothecary Company Champion, Veteran [Combi-Plasma, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Fist]Veteran [Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Weapon (Axe)]
Troop1: Tactical Squad Herodion (200pts) Veteran sergeant combiplasma, fist, flamer, heavybolter, 5 additional dudes
Troop2: Tactical Squad Isokrates (200pts) Veteran sergeant Power sword, melta, combiplasma, missile launcher, 5 additional marines
Heavy1: Relic Sicaran Battle Tank Wrathmonger (220pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Extra armour, Legacy: Schism of Mars, Two Lascannons]
Heavy2: Contemptor Dreadnought Ancient Torik (185pts)[Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]
Heavy3: Devastator Squad Methodius (159pts) 2x missile launcher, 2x multimelta, veteran sergeant w. sword, combimelta, 1 additional marine
Player: Jouni Haavisto
Army: Dark Eldar
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1: Lelith Hesperax 150
Elite1: 3 Incubi, Klaivex 70 WARLORD
Elite2: 3 Grotesques 105
Troop1: 10 Kabalites, Splinter Cannon 95
Troop2: 5 Kabalites 40
Fast1: 5 Reavers, Cluster Caltrops 95
Fast2: Khymera 10
Fast3: 5 Hellions 65
Heavy1: Ravager, 3 Dark Lances 125
Heavy2: Ravager, 3 Dark Lances 125
Transport1: Venom, Splintercannon 65
Transport2: Raider, Dark Lance 60
Transport3: Raider, Dark Lance, Splinter Racks 75
Transport4: Venom, Splintercannon, Chain Snares 70
Dark Artisan Formation
HQ1: Haemonculus, Web Way Portal 105
Heavy1: Talos 120
Heavy2: Cronos, Spirit Probe 125
Player: Eetu Torikka
Army: Necrons
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1: WARLORD: Catacomb Command Barge(135), Gauntlet of Fire(10), Warscythe(20), Tesla [165]
Elite1: Triarch Stalker [125]
Troop1: Immortals, Tesla [85]
Troop2: Immortals, Tesla [85]
Troop3: Warriors [130]
Fast1: Canoptek Wraiths [120]
Fast2: Canoptek Wraiths [120]
Heavy1: Annihilation Barge, Tesla [120]
LOW: Tesseract Vault [500]
Player: Jussi Lindeberg
Army: Eldar Exodites of Agal-tan
HQ1: Ilyathia the Elder Seer w. Jetbike, singing spear, warlord 120
HQ2: Warlock Cor-hann 35
Troop1: Wardens of Agal-tan, 10 Guardian Defenders w. Eldar missile launcher 120
Troop2: Hunters of Agal-tan, 5 Rangers 60
Troop3: Trackers of Agal-tan, 3 Snowfang riders (jetbikes) w. Shuriken Cannon 61
Elite1: 9 Howling banshee w. Exarch Enyaltana, executioner 137
In transport 1
Fast1: 6 Swooping Hawks w. Exarch Eleniel 106
Fast2: Veil of mist, Rainhawk strike sled (Vyper) w. 2 Shuriken cannons 50
Heavy1-3: Aegises of Isha, Frostfang mounted defence platforms (wraith lords)
1 w. 2 scatterlasers, 2 flamers 150
1 w. 2 star cannons, 2 flamers 160
1 w. 2 eldar missile launchers, 2 shuriken catapults 180
LOW1: Champion of Isha, Athriel mounted on Frostfang (avatar) 195
Transport 1: Veil of shadow, Wave serpent w. Twin brightlance, shuriken cannon, ghostwalk matrix 125
Player: Jukka Halme
Army: Chaos Space Marines
PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Death Guard warband (Faction: Chaos Space Marines)
HQ1:warlord - Chaos lord(65), mark of Nurgle(15), veterans of the long war(0), power fist(25), sigil of corruption(25), chaos bike(20) [150]
ELITE1: Chaos terminators(95), mark of Nurgle(18), veterans of the long war(0), 3 combi-melta(17), power axe(0), power fist(7), power maul(0)(champion) [137]
TROOP1: Chaos space marines(75), mark of Nurgle(15), veterans of the long war(0), plasma gun(15) [105] in transport 1
TROOP2: Chaos space marines(75), mark of Nurgle(15), veterans of the long war(0), flamer(5) [95]
FA1: Chaos bikers(70),mark of Nurgle(18), veterans of the long war(0), 2 meltaguns(20) [108]
HS1: Havocs(75), mark of Nurgle(15), veterans of the long war(0), 3 autocannons(30), 1 heavy bolter(10) [130]
Transport1: Chaos Rhino(35), dozer blades(5) [40]
SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Death Guard Cult of Destruction (Faction: Chaos Space Marines)
HQ2: Warpsmith(110), mark of Nurgle(15), veterans of the long war(0) [125]
HS2: 3 Obliterators(210), mark of Nurgle(18), veterans of the long war(0) [228]
HS3: 3 Obliterators(210), mark of Nurgle(18), veterans of the long war(0) [228]
HS4: 2 Obliterators(140), mark of Nurgle(12), veterans of the long war(0) [152]
Player: Touko Kästämä
Army: Daemons of Slaanesh
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ 1.1 - Herald of Slaanesh (45): Warlord (0), Mastery Level 2 (50), Steed (15), Greater Reward (20), Locus of Beguilement (30) [160]
HQ 1.2 - Herald of Slaanesh (45): Mastery Level 2 (50), Exalted Reward (30) [125]
HQ 1.3 - Herald of Slaanesh (45): Mastery Level 1 (25) [70]
HQ 2 - Keeper of Secrets (170): Mastery Level 3 (50), 2x Greater Reward (2x20) [260]
Troop 1 - 10 Daemonettes (90): Icon (10), Instrument (10) [110]
Troop 2 - 10 Daemonettes (90): Icon (10) [100]
Elite 1 - 7 Fiends of Slaanesh (105): 4 additional Fiends (4x35) [245]
Fast 1 - 5 Seekers of Slaanesh (60): Icon (10), Instrument (10) [80]
Heavy 1 - Soul Grinder (135): Daemon of Slaanesh (15), Phlegm Bombardment (30) [180]
Heavy 2 - Soul Grinder (135): Daemon of Slaanesh (15), Baleful Torrent (20) [170]
Army: Tau Empire Farsight Enclaves
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1 Commander, Missilepod (15), Drone Controller (8), Target Lock (5), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15), Iridium Battlesuit (25), Stimulant Injector (15), 2x Marker Drone (24) 192
ELITE1 XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit, Bonding Knife Ritual (1), Cyclic Ion Raker (0), Twin-linked Flamer (0), Advanced Targeting System (3) 134
TROOP1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, Bonding Knife Ritual (1), 2x Burst Cannon (20), Advanced Targeting System (3) 46
TROOP2 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, Bonding Knife Ritual (1), 2x Burst Cannon (20), Advanced Targeting System (3) 46
TROOP3 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, Bonding Knife Ritual (1), 2x Flamer (10) 33
TROOP4 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, Bonding Knife Ritual (1), 2x Fusion Blaster (30), Advanced Targeting System (3) 56
FAST1 DX-6 Remora Drone Fighter Squadron 90
FAST2 Tetra Scout Speeder Team, Additional Tetra (35), Sensor Spines (5) 75
FAST3 XV109 Y'Vahra Battlesuit, Stimulant Injector (35) 265
HEAVY1 Sniper Drone Team, 2 Additional Sniper Drone (30) 88
HEAVY2 R'Varna Battlesuit, Stimulant Injector (35) 295
HEAVY3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System, Bonding Knife Ritual (1), Target Lock (5), 2x Marker Drone (24) 95
FORT1 Tidewall Gunrig 85
Player: Eric Andersson
Army: Imperial Guard + Imperial Knights
East Croydyn Territorial Guards PDF
HQ1: CCS: (Commander Captain F. Cluster): krak grenades, plasma gun, lascannon, vox, carapace armors 108 in transport 1
HQ: Ministorum Priest (Father Tucker) 25
HQ: Ministorum Priest (Father O'Malley) 25
Bravo Platoon "Yellow Platoon"
TROOP1: PCS: (Master Sergeant Pyle) bolter, heavy flamer, vox, 2x meltagun 66 in transport 2
TROOP1: Inf sqd Bravo 1: (SGT Hill) flamer, vox 60
TROOP1: Inf sqd Bravo 2: (CPL Smith) flamer 55
TROOP1: Inf sqd Bravo 3: (SGT Barnes) bolter, flamer, vox 61
TROOP1: Inf sqd Bravo 4: (SGT Coatzee) flamer 55
TROOP1: Hvy sqd Bravo 5: 3x autocannon 75
TROOP2: Vet sqd "Catachtan Mud Dogs": (SGT Brent) 3x melta gun 90 in transport 3
ELITE1: Ratling Snipers "88th Sharpshooters": one additional ratling 40
FAST1: vulture gunship "Deus Vulture", twin linked punisher cannon 155
HEAVY1: Wyvern "Shredder" 65
HEAVY2: Wyvern "Splinter" 65
TRANSPORT1: Chimera 65
TRANSPORT2: Chimera 65
TRANSPORT3: Taurox 50
Oathsworn Detachment
Knight Paladin "Optimus Arse, saviour of Arsegeddon" 375
1500 pts
Player: Noa Kaistinen
Army: Iron Warriors
Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1: Chaos lord, Fleshmetal exoskeleton (30), power axe (15), aura of dark glory (15) VotLW (0)
ELITES1: Helbrute, Twin-linked heavy bolter (5), heavy flamer in power fist (15), VotLW (0)
TROOPS1: CSM x15, aspiring champion with power fist (25), VotLW (0)
TROOPS2: CSM x15, aspiring champion with power fist (25), VotLW (0)
HEAVY1: Havocs, x4 lascannons (80), VotLW (0)
HEAVY2: Havocs, x4 lascannons (80), VotLW (0)
HEAVY3: Chaos vindicator, siege shield (10), combi bolter (5)
Chaos Space Marines Allied Detachment
HQ1: Sorcerer LVL 1, Burning brand of skalathrax (30), VotLW (5)
TROOPS1: CSM x5 + rhino, aspiring champion with melta bombs (5), melta gun (10) VotLW (5)
HEAVY1: Maulerfiend
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