The other half our twin-linked tournament day was Age of Sigmar, where we played the new General's Handbook Scenarios with 1500 point armies. Some of the commanders had tweaked their lists a bit since Ropecon and new reinforcements had arrived. The gorgeous Nighthaunt minis are becoming quite popular!
First Round Pairings and Results
0 Joonas Peltomaa vs Teemu Sihvonen 20
20 Roman Dulik vs Kimmo Kokkarinen 0
20 Kim Hyttinen vs Darryn Lee 0
Second Round Pairings and Results
15 Roman Dulik vs Kim Hyttinen 5
0 Eetu Torikka vs Teemu Sihvonen 20
20 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Lasse Kuikka 0
20 Joonas Peltomaa vs Darryn Lee 0
Roman Dulik vs Teemu Sihvonen
20 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Joonas Peltomaa 0
20 Eetu Torikka vs Kim Hyttinen 0
20 Lasse Kuikka vs Darryn Lee 0
Final Standings with Hobby Score
1. Roman Dulik, Stormcast Eternals 54
3. Kimmo Kokkarinen, Nighthaunt 43
4. Eetu Torikka, Stormcast Eternals 42
5. Kim Hyttinen, Nurgle Mortals 25
6. Joonas Peltomaa, Stormcast Eternals 24
7. Lasse Kuikka, Tomb Kings 22
8. Darryn Lee, Disciples of Tzeentch 3
Best Army Award: Roman Dulik, Stormcast Eternals
Turnauksen voittajakokoonpano, Roman Dulikin Stormcast Eternals chamber. |
Kokonaisuus palkittiin myös turnauksen makeimpana armeijana. |
Korjaus: Teemu S. pelasi Grand Host of Nagashia, ei Nighthauntia. :)