October 17, 2023

Echoes of Thracia, Act III Results and Coverage

This time in the Echoes of Thracia campaign the front line formations had lost contact with the High Command. Therefore the active battle groups had to re-establish the chain of command via an acting Superior elevated from their ranks. They were given the authority to deploy their fellow warriors in the different theatres of the campaign and trusted to display tactical acumen to make the best of their allegiance’s capabilities. Here are the results from the gaming day played with 2500 and 1000 point lists!

First Round Pairings and Results
6 Jussi Nurro vs Willy Lindberg 14
4 Tuomas Salmi vs Roni Landgren 16
4 Jesse Laanti vs Juho Törmä 16
10 Henri Vesanen vs Jupe Heikkinen 10
9 Aito vs Mika Ketola 11
12 J-P Kivistö vs Juhana Rytkönen 8
13 Jussi Lindeberg vs Ilkka Hyötyläinen 7
9 Lauri Suominen vs Antti Halonen 11
Second Round Pairings and Results 
9 Aito vs Jupe Heikkinen 11
5 Roni Landgren vs Jussi Nurro 15
10 Antti Halonen vs Mika Ketola 10
16 Willy Lindberg vs Juhana Rytkönen 4
13 Juho Törmä vs Lauri Suominen 7
11 Jussi Lindeberg vs Tuomas Salmi 9
6 Ilkka Hyötyläinen vs J-P Kivistö 14
11 Jesse Laanti vs Henri Vesanen 9

Third Round Pairings and Results 
17 Roni Landgren vs Jesse Laanti 3
16 Antti Halonen vs Juhana Rytkönen 4
11 J-P Kivistö vs Lauri Suominen 9
7 Henri Vesanen vs Mika Ketola 13
10 Willy Lindberg vs Ilkka Hyötyläinen 10
3 Aito vs Jussi Nurro 17
9 Tuomas Salmi vs Juho Törmä 11
5 Jupe Heikkinen vs Jussi Lindeberg 15

Final Standings
1. Juho Törmä, Dark Angels 40
2. Willy Lindberg, Dark Angels 40
3. Jussi Lindeberg, Mechanicum 39
4. Jussi Nurro, Iron Warriors 38
5. Roni Landgren, Iron Hands 38
6. Antti Halonen, Space Wolves 37
7. J-P Kivistö, Raven Guard 37
8. Mika Ketola, Sons of Horus 34
9. Henri Vesanen, Blood Angels 27
10. Jupe Heikkinen, World Eaters 26
11. Lauri Suominen, Alpha Legion 25
12. Ilkka Hyötyläinen, Iron Warriors 23
13. Tuomas Salmi, Solar Auxilia 22
14. Aito, Ultramarines 21
15. Jesse Laanti, Sons of Horus 18
16. Juhana Rytkönen, Dark Mechanicum 16

Results: Loyalists 4 - 2 Traitors, recovered Artifacts 7 vs 5
Best Army Award: Juhana Rytkönen, Dark Mechanicum

Tuomas Salmi
Solar Auxilia 

HQ1: Lord Marshal (155): infernopistol, paragon blade, artificer armour, iron halo, cyber familiar Warlord: Stoic Defender. Cohort Tactics: Reborn Cohort
HQ2: Tactical Command Tercio
HQ2.1: Tactical Command Section (241): command vox, cohort vexilla, 3 additional companions, heavy void armour, 6 plasmaguns, augyry scanner
TROOP1: Infantry Tercio
TROOP1.1: Rifle Section (107): blast pistol, vox, in transport 1
TROOP1.2: Rifle Section (107): blast pistol, vox, in transport 2
TROOP2: Infantry Tercio
TROOP2.1: Rifle Section (90): vox, 5 additional riflemen
HEAVY SUPPORT1: Artillery Tercio
HEAVY SUPPORT1.1: Rapier Battery (60): laser destroyer array
HEAVY SUPPORT1.2: Rapier Battery (60): laser destroyer array
FAST ATTACK1: Carnodon Assault Tank (90): twin-linked autocannon, autocannons, searchlight
FAST ATTACK2: Carnodon Assault Tank (90): twin-linked autocannon, autocannons, searchlight
TRANSPORT1: Aurox: heavy stubber, searchlight
TRANSPORT2: Aurox: heavy stubber, searchlight


HQ1: Lord Marshal (155): infernopistol, paragon blade, artificer armour, iron halo, cyber familiar Warlord: Stoic Defender. Cohort Tactics: Reborn Cohort
HQ2: Tactical Command Tercio
HQ2.1: Tactical Command Section (285): command vox, cohort vexilla, 5 additional companions, heavy void armour, 8 plasmaguns, augyry scanner
HQ2.2: Companion Section (222): 5 additional companions, 4 plasmaguns, augyry scanner, vox, 6 volkite chargers. In transport 1
HQ2.3: Companion Section (222): 5 additional companions, 4 plasmaguns, augyry scanner, vox, 6 volkite chargers. In transport 2
ELITE1: Charonite Ogryn Section (240): 3 extra ogryns
FORTIFICATION1: Defence Line (35)
TROOP1: Infantry Tercio
TROOP1.1: Rifle Section (65): vox
TROOP1.2: Rifle Section (65): vox
TROOP1.3: Rifle Section (65): vox

TROOP2: Infantry Tercio
TROOP2.1: Rifle Section (65): vox
TROOP2.2: Rifle Section (65): vox
TROOP2.3: Rifle Section (65): vox

TROOP3: Infantry Tercio
TROOP3.1: Rifle Section (105): vox, in transport 3
TROOP3.2: Rifle Section (105): vox, in transport 4

HEAVY SUPPORT1: Armoured Tercio
HEAVY SUPPORT1.1: Leman Russ Strike Tank(175): vanquisher cannon & autocannon, lascannon, pinttle multilaser
HEAVY SUPPORT1.2: Leman Russ Strike Tank(175): vanquisher cannon & autocannon, lascannon, pinttle multilaser

HEAVY SUPPORT2: Artillery Tercio
HEAVY SUPPORT2.1: Rapier Battery (120): additional rapier team, laser destroyer arrays
HEAVY SUPPORT2.2: Rapier Battery (120): additional rapier team, laser destroyer arrays

FAST ATTACK1: Carnodon Assault Tank (75): volkite culverin, volkite calivers, searchlight
FAST ATTACK2: Carnodon Assault Tank (75): volkite culverin, volkite calivers, searchlight

TRANSPORT1: Aurox: heavy stubber, searchlight
TRANSPORT2: Aurox: heavy stubber, searchlight
TRANSPORT3: Aurox: heavy stubber, searchlight
TRANSPORT4: Aurox: heavy stubber, searchlight

Roni Landgren
Iron Hands 


HQ1: Cataphractii Centurion (85) Forge Lord (40) cyber-familiar (15) thunder hammer (15) [155] warlord: From Hel’s Heart

ELITE1: Thallax Cohort (125) photon thruster (25) melta bombs (15) [165]

TROOP1: Tactical Squad (100) artificer armour (10) power fist (15) [125]

TROOP2: Tactical Squad (100) artificer armour (10) power fist (15) [125]

TROOP3: Recon Squad (85) 5 nemesis bolter (50) augury scanner (10) [145]

HEAVY1: Heavy Support Squad (100) 5 volkite culverin (25) artificer armour (10) augury scanner (10) [145]

HEAVY2: Predator (120) 2 lascannon (10) dozer blade (5) searchlight (5) [140]


ROW: Armoured spearhead

HQ1: Sicaran battle tank (190) 2 lascannon (10) searchlight (5) [205] warlord

HQ2; Cataphractii Praetor (135) Iron-Father (65) thunder hammer (15) [215]

HQ3: Morlock terminator squad (150) 2 extra morlock (70) 4 graviton gun (40) 2 chainfist (30) 2 power fist (20) lightning claw (5) cyber-familiar (20) legion standard (20) [355] in transport 1

TROOP1: Tactical Squad (100) artificer armour (10) power fist (15) [125] in transport 2

TROOP2: Tactical Squad (100) artificer armour (10) power fist (15) [125] in transport 3

TROOP3: 2 Predator (120+105) 2 dozer blade (10) 2 searchlight (10) [245]

TROOP4: Predator (120) 2 lascannon (10) dozer blade (5) searchlight (5) [140]

FAST1: Sabre (80) volkite saker (0) volkite culverin (15) [95]

HEAVY1: Kratos (300) flare shield (50) melta (0) 4 lascannon (50) dozer blade (10) searchlight (5) decurion locus (30) [445]

HEAVY2: Vindicator (120) magna laser destroyer (20) dozer blade (5) searchlight (5) [150]

TRANSPORT1: Land Raider Proteus Carrier (220) tl-lascannon (15) searchlight (5) multi-melta (20) [260]

TRANSPORT2: Rhino (35) dozer blade (5) multi-melta (30) [70]

TRANSPORT3: Rhino (35) dozer blade (5) multi-melta (30) [70]

Jussi Lindeberg


HQ: Magos Dominus Elgar Bhor w. Augury Scanner, Cyber-familiar, Power Lance, Meltagun, Cybertheurgy: Artificia Machina. 105

TROOP: 4 x Thallax Cohort w. Multi-Melta 187

TROOP: 4 x Thallax Cohort w. Multi-Melta 187

TROOP: 20 x Adsecularis Tech-thrall Certus Covenant 70

HEAVY: 5 x Myrmidon Destructor Host w. 5x Darkfire Cannon 325

HEAVY: Krios Battle Tank 125


The Order of High Techno-Arcana: Macrotek

HQ: Archamagos Domina Saphiria Cels on Abeyant w. Augury Scanner, Cyber-familiar, Power Lance, Meltagun, Master-crafted Machinator Array. Cybertheurgy: Artificia Machina. Warlord Trait: Logic of Victory 250

TROOP: 4 x Thallax Cohort w. Multi-Melta 187

TROOP: 4 x Thallax Cohort w. Multi-Melta 187

TROOP: 20 x Adsecularis Tech-thrall Certus Covenant 70

TROOP: 4 x Scyllax Guardian Automata Cohort w. 4 x Volkite Chargers 120

FAST: Arlatax Battle-automata w. Paragon of metal 185

HEAVY: Thanatar-Cavas Battle-automata w. Paragon of metal 270

HEAVY: 5x Myrmidon Destructor Host w. 5x Graviton Imploder 300

HEAVY: Krios Battle Tank 125

Allied Detachment:

LOW: Knight Questoris w. Reaper Chainsword, Heavy Stubber, Thermal Cannon, Stormspear Rocket Pod 405

TROOP: Armiger Helverin 200

TROOP: Armiger Helverin 200

Willy Lindberg
Dark Angels


Recon Force Lazaar

Legion Centurion
Paladin of the hekatonystika
Reaper of hosts
Terranic greatsword
Warlord, bloody-handed


Interremptor squad
Plasma incinerator


Tactical squad x10
Artificer armour
Power fist 
Legion vexilla
9 bayonets

Tactical squad x10
Legion vexilla

Legion reconnaissance squad
5x nemesis bolters

Fast attack
Sky-hunter squadron
3x plasma cannons
3x hand flamers
Artificer armour
Power sword

Javelin squadron
2x volkite culverins
heavy bolter

Sabre tank 
Anvillus auto-cannon
Volkite culverin


Combat command Monash

Rite of War: Armoured breakthrough


Master of armour
Lascannon sponsons

Tactical squad x10
Artificer armour
Power sword
Legion vexilla

Tactical X10 
Artificer armour
Legion vexilla
power sword

Heavy conversion beamer

2x Predator 
Predator autocannon
Volkite sponson
2x pintle-mounted heavy bolters

Magna-melta cannon

Contemptor Dreadnought
Gravis power fist
Melta gun
Gravis melta cannon

Fast attack
Sabre strike squadron
Anvilus snub autocannon
Hull-mounted multi-melta

Sky-hunter squadron
Artificer armour
Power sword
3x volkite culverin

Heavy support

Excindio battle-automata
2x plasma repeaters
Magaron pattern atomantic pulse cannon

Kratos battle tank
Decurion locus
2x autocannons
2x lascannons
Melta blast-gun
Flare shield


Jussi Nurro
Iron Warriors


+ Elites +
Legion Rapier Battery, 1x Rapier Carrier, gravis heavy bolter battery 40
Legion Rapier Battery, 1x Rapier Carrier, gravis heavy bolter battery 40

+ Troops +
Tactical Squad, 10x Tactical Marines, 10 shrapnel bolters 120 in Transport 1
Tactical Squad, 10x Tactical Marines, 10 shrapnel bolters 120 in Transport 2
Tactical Squad, 10x Tactical Marines, 10 shrapnel bolters 120 in Transport 3

+ Fast Attack +
Proteus Land Speeder Squadron, 1x Proteus Land Speeder, 2x heavy bolter 70

+ Heavy Support +
Legion Scorpius Squadron, 1 x Legion Scorpius 120
Heavy Support Squad, 5x Heavy Support Marines, 5x lascannon, augury scanner 160

+ Transports +
Transport 1: Legion Rhino, dozer blade, multi-melta 70
Transport 2: Legion Rhino, dozer blade, multi-melta 70
Transport 3: Legion Rhino, dozer blade, multi-melta 70


Rite of War: The Hammer of Olympia

+ HQ +
Warlord (Stoic Defender warlord trait): Warsmith in Cataphractii Terminator Armour, thunder hammer 170
Cataphractii Terminator Command Squad, 5x terminators, 5x thunder hammer 270

+ Elites +
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon, 1x Contemptor Dreadnought, gravis melta cannon, gravis power fist, meltagun 195
Legion Rapier Battery, 3x Rapier Carrier, gravis heavy bolter battery 120
Dominator Squad, 5x Dominators, multi-melta 250
Castaferrum Dreadnought Talon, 1x Dreadnought with 2x gravis lascannon and searchlight, 1x Dreadnought with gravis missile launcher, gravis shrapnel cannon and searchlight 315

+ Troops +
Tactical Squad, 10x Tactical Marines, 10 shrapnel bolters 120 in Transport 1
Tactical Squad, 10x Tactical Marines, 10 shrapnel bolters 120 in Transport 2
Tactical Squad, 10x Tactical Marines, 10 shrapnel bolters 120 in Transport 3

+ Fast Attack +
Proteus Land Speeder Squadron, 1x Proteus Land Speeder, 2x heavy bolter 70

+ Heavy Support +
Land Raider Phobos, pintle-mounted multi-melta, searchlight 245
Legion Scorpius Squadron, 1 x Legion Scorpius 120
Heavy Support Squad, 5x Heavy Support Marines, 5x lascannon, augury scanner, artificer armour 170

+ Transports +
Transport 1: Legion Rhino, dozer blade, multi-melta 70
Transport 2: Legion Rhino, dozer blade, multi-melta 70
Transport 3: Legion Rhino, dozer blade, multi-melta 70

Lauri Suominen
Alpha Legion


Exodus 165

Effrit Disruption Cadre (5) 175
Sergeant: Power Weapon (5)
Squad: Power Daggers (25)


Tactical Squad (10) 130
Sergeant: Power fist (15), plasma pistol (10), power dagger (5)
Dedicated Rhino 45 Dozer blade (5), Searchlights (5)

Tactical Squad (10) 130
Sergeant: Power fist (15), plasma pistol (10), power dagger (5)
Dedicated Rhino 45 Dozer blade (5), Searchlights (5)

Fast attack

Headhunter Kill Team (5) 155 Sergeant: Artificier Armor (10) Squad: Multi-melta (20)
Headhunter Kill Team (5) 155 Sergeant: Artificier Armor (10) Squad: Multi-melta (20)


Warlord Trait: Master of Lies


Legion Cataprachtii Centurion Delegatus 130
Chainfist (15), Power Dagger (5)

Retinue: Legion Cataprachtii Command Squad (5) 270
Squad: Thunder Hammer x5 (15)
Dedicated Land Raider Phobos 220

Exodus 165


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (2) 180 Gravis Melta cannon (5)

Firedrake Terminator Squad (5) 325 5x Thunderhammer (10), 5x Draconscale storm shield (5)
Dedicated Land Raider Proteus 220


Tactical Squad (10) 165 Sergeant: Power fist (15), plasma pistol (10), artificier armor (10), power dagger (5) Squad: Vox (10), Scanner (10), Chainswords (5)
Dedicated Rhino  45 Dozer blade (5), Searchlights (5)

Tactical Squad (10) 160 Sergeant: Power fist (15), plasma pistol (10), artificier armor (10), power dagger (5) Squad: Vox (10), Scanner (10)
Dedicated Rhino 45 Dozer blade (5), Searchlights (5)

Recon Squad (5) 145 Nemesis Bolter x5 (50) Squad: Augury Scanner (10)

Fast attack

Headhunter Kill Team (5) 155 Sergeant: Artificier Armor (10) Squad: Multi-melta (20)
Headhunter Kill Team (5) 155 Sergeant: Artificier Armor (10) Squad: Multi-melta (20)

Heavy Support

Legion Scorpius 120

Henri Vesanen
Blood Angels


HQ I: Chaplain (95) Master-crafted powermaul (15), Plasma pistol (10), Warlord, Stoic Defender – 120p 

TROOP I: - Tactical Squad (110), Chainsword (5), Bayonets (10), Vexilla (10) – 145p 
Transport: Rhino (35), Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon (25) – 60p 

TROOP II: - Tactical Squad (110), Power fist (15), Inferno pistol (10), Bayonets (10), Vexilla (10) – 155p 
Transport: Rhino (35), Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon (25), Hunter-killer missile (5) – 65p 

FAST ATTACK I: Sky-Hunter Squadron (105), Multimelta (45) – 150p 

HEAVY SUPPORT I: Baal Predator (120), Turret Mounted Twin-linked Iliastus assault cannon (0), Two Sponson-mounted Iliastus assault cannons (20), Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon (25) – 165p 

HEAVY SUPPORT II: Heavy Support Squad (100), Lascannons (50) – 150p


HQ I: Legion Tartaros Praetor (110), Blade of Perdition (5), Grenade harness (5), Warlord, Stoic Defender – 120p 

HQ II: Master of Signals (95), Power sword (15), Volkite serpanta (2) – 112p 

TROOP I: Tactical Squad (100), Power Fist (15), Inferno Pistol (10), Bayonets (9), Vexilla (10) – 144p 

Transport: Rhino (35), Pintle-mounted Iliastus Assault Cannon (25), Hunter-killer missile (5) Searchlights (5) – 70p 

TROOP II: Tactical Squad (100), Power Fist (15), Inferno Pistol (10), Bayonets (9), Vexilla (10) – 144p 

Transport: Rhino (35), Pintle-mounted Iliastus Assault Cannon (25), Hunter-killer missile (5) Searchlights (5) – 70p
ELITE I: Crimson Paladins (225), Sunset Blades (0), Spear of Perdition (0), Grenade harness (10), Iliastus Assault Cannon (10) - 235p 

FAST ATTACK I: Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought (200), In-built Iliastus assault cannons (30) – 230p 

FAST ATTACK II: Sky-Hunter Squadron (105), Artificer Armour (10), Multimelta (45) – 160p 

Leviathan Dreadnought: Storm Cannon (10), Two Twin-linked Volkite Calivers (15) – 295p 

Leviathan Dreadnought: Siege drill (5), Cyclonic melta lance (20), Two Twin-linked Volkite Calivers (15) – 310p 


Predator Tank (120), Turret Mounted Twin-linked Iliastus assault cannon (0), Two Sponson-mounted Iliastus assault cannons (20), Pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon (25) – 165p 

Predator Tank (105), Turret mounted Garvis lascannon (30), Two sponson mounted lascannon (10), Pintle mounted heavy bolter (10), Hunter-killer missile (5) – 160p 

HEAVY SUPPORT III: Heavy support Squad (175), Lascannons (100) – 275p 

Ilkka Hyötyläinen
Iron Warriors


Tyrant of the Dodekathon


Praetor (warlord) 152p volkite charger, paragon blade
Retinue: Command Squad 123p Banner bearer, charnabal sabre, 3*Legion chosen, charnabal sabre


Legion Scout Squad 115p 5*Nemesis bolter
Tactical Squad 110p vexilla
Tactical Squad 110p vexilla
Tactical Squad 110p vexilla


Heavy support Squad 135 volkite culverin, augury scanner
Iron Havocs 145p autocannon, augury scanner


Tyrant of the Dodekathon


Centurion, Master of signals 105p Nemesis bolter 
Centurion cataphractii, Forge Lord (warlord) 140p cyber-familiar, graviton mace


Castra ferrum Dreadnought talon 350p
1: 2*gravis lascannon, helical targeting 
2: 2*gravis autocannon, havoc launcher 

Dominator cohort 460p 5*dominator
Transport: Proteus, twinlinked lascannon 

Rapier battery 130p 2*laser destroyer

Thallax cohort 264p
4*chain bayonet


Tactical Squad 160p
Sergeant: artificer armor
Legion vexilla
Transport: Rhino, searchlight

Tactical Squad 160p
Sergeant: artificer armor
Legion vexilla
Transport: Rhino, searchlight

Tactical Squad 120p
Sergeant: artificer armor
Legion vexilla


Heavy support Squad 125p volkite culverin

Scorpius 120p

Sicaran Punisher squadron 365p

Juhana Rytkönen
Dark Mechanicum


Thracian Relic Extraction Cadre 


Tech-Priest Auxilia
Pathfinder Tech-Priest ”Vossarius Malachion”
(Lachrimallus Tech-Priest (Warlord)
Augury Scanner, Cyber-Familiar)
 4x Servo-Automata
Servo-Automata Suppression Bodyguard(Rotor Cannon)
Servo-Automata Suppression Bodyguard(Rotor Cannon)


Adsecularis Tech-thralls Covenan Las-lock, 10x 45Pts
Thallax Cohort 6x Thallax, Multi-Melta 261Pts
Thallax Cohort 3x Thallax, Multi-Melta  150pts
Thallax Cohort 6x Thallax, 2x Multi-Melta 286Pts

+ Heavy Support+

Krios Pulsar-Fusil  150Pts


Thracian Relic Extraction Army

+ HQ: +

Warlord Trait: The Logic of Victory

Archmagos Prime Cybernetica ”Lysandra Cogitara” on Abeyant
Augury Scanner, Master-crafted Powerfist, Cyber-Familiar, Power Sword, Rad Grenades, Machinator Array, Artificia Cybernetica 250Pts

Magos Dominus , Augury Scanner , Laspistol, Power Sword, Machinator Array, Artificia Cybernetica, 105Pts 

+ Elites+

Domitar Battle-Automata 
Paragon of Metal 180Pts

Myrmidon Secutor Host,  3x Phased Plasma-Fusil, 3x Volkite Charger 180Pts
Myrmidon Secutor Host,  4x Phased Plasma-Fusil, 2x Volkite Charger 190Pts


Adsecularis Tech-thralls Certus Covenant, Chainsword 11x Tech-thralls 48pts

Castellax Battle-Automata Maniple
2x Castellax, Darkfire Cannon, 2x In-Built Bolter 220pts

Thallax Cohort 6x Thallax, Multi-Melta 261Pts

Thallax Cohort 3x Thallax, Multi-Melta  150pts

Thallax Cohort 6x Thallax, 2x Multi-Melta 286Pts

+Heavy Support+

 Krios Pulsar-Fusil 150pts

”Forgewarden 74 Sigma” Thanatar Calix 255Pts

Karacnos Assault Tank 225pts

Juho Törmä
Dark Angels


+ HQ: +

Centurion: Champion, Deathwing, Marshal of The Crown, Warlord, Artificer Armor, Bolt Pistol, Terranic Greatsword [120p]

+ Elites: +

Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Deathwing, Power Armour [45p]

Veteran Squad: Deathwing, 6x Veterans, 6x Power Sword, Legion Vexilla
Dedicated Transport: Rhino [208p]

+ Troops: +

Reconnaissance Squad: 5x Recon Legionary, 5x Nemesis Bolter, Augury Scanner [145p]

Tactical Squad: Stormwing, 10x Legionnaires
Dedicated Transport: Rhino, [135p]

Tactical Squad: Stormwing, 10x Legionnaires

Dedicated Transport: Rhino, [135p]

+ Fast Attack: +

Sabre: Anvilus Snub Autocannon, Multi-Melta, Ironwing [105p]
Sabre: Anvilus Snub Autocannon, Multi-Melta, Ironwing [105p]


+ HQ: +

Legion Praetor: Deathwing, Marshal of the Crown, Warlord, Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Terranic Greatsword

Deathwing Companion Detachment: 5x Deathwing Companion, 1x Plasma Pistol, 1x Power Fist, 2x Cytheron Pattern Aegis, 4x Calibanite Warblade

Dedicated Transport: Land Raider Proteus: Twin-Linked Lascannon(Hull)[565p]

Centurion, Cataphractii. Herald: Deathwing, Legion Standard, Power Fist, Grenade Harness [120p]

+ Elites: +

Contemptor Dreadnought: Dreadwing, Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist, Heavy Flamer[185p]

Inner Circle Knights Cenobium: 1x Order Preceptor, 4x Order Cenobites, 3x Terranic Greatsword, 2x Thunder Hammer, Deathwing, Reaper of Hosts

Dedicated Transport: Land Raider Spartan: Deathwing, 2x Lascannon Array, Twin-linked Lascannon(Hull) [650p]

+ Troops: +

Reconnaissance Squad: 5x Recon Legionary, 5x Nemesis Bolter, Augury Scanner[145p]

Tactical Squad: Stormwing, 10x Legionnaires, Legion Vexilla, Artificer Armor, 
Dedicated Transport: Rhino, Searchlights[160p]

Tactical Squad: Stormwing, 10x Legionnaires, Legion Vexilla, Artificer Armor, 
Dedicated Transport: Rhino, Searchlights[160p]

Veteran Squad: Deathwing, 10x Veterans, 10x Power Sword, Legion Vexilla, Pride of the Legion Compulsory Troops[275p]

+ Heavy Support: +

Land Raider Proteus Carrier: 2x Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannon, Hull: Twin-Linked Lascannon, Searchlights [240p]

J-P Kivistö
Raven Guard


215 Destroyer Assault Squad: Destroyer Sergeant: Power Maul, Two Bolt Pistols, Infravisor
5x Destroyers with 2x Bolt Pistols and Chainsword
Destroyer with options: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Toxiferran Flamer
Destroyer with options: Two Bolt Pistols, Power Maul

185 pts. Mor Deythan Squad:
Mor Deythan Shade: Nemesis Bolter, Infravisor
4x Mor Deythan: Nemesis Bolter

180 pts. Assault Squad: Sergeant: 2x Raven’s Talon, Melta Bombs, 9 x Legionaries: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

110 pts. Tactical Squad, Sergeant: Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Infravisor,9 x Legionaries: Bolter, Bolt Pistol

110 pts. Tactical Squad,Sergeant: Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Infravisor, 9x Legionaries: Bolter, Bolt Pistol

100 pts. Javelin Land Speeder: Cyclone Missile Launcher, Multi-Melta, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol 

100 pts. Javelin Land Speeder: Cyclone Missile Launcher, Multi-Melta, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol

Rite of War: Decapitation Strike

140 Centurion Delegatus: Artificer Armour, Corvid Pattern Jump Pack, Pair of Raven’s Talons, Bolter,
Warlord, Warlord Trait: Hidden Hand (Raven Guard)

190 pts. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Power Fist with in-built Plasma Blaster, Gravis Melta Cannon

285 pts. Deliverer Squad
Deliverer Chieftain: Pair of Raven´s Talons, 2x Deliverer with Pair of Ravens Talons, 2x Deliverer, Chain Fist and Combi-Bolter

225 pts. Mor Deythan Squad
Mor Deythan Shade: Combi Volkite, Chainsword, Infravisor
3x Mor Deythan Combi Volkite, Chainsword
Mor Deythan with Special Weapon: Plasma Gun, Chainsword
Rhino Transport

224 pts. Assault Squad:
Sergeant: 2x Raven’s Talon
9 x Legionaries: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
Legionnaire with Plasma Pistol and Power Axe
Legionnaire with Plasma Pistol and Power Sword 

130 pts. Tactical Squad
Sergeant: Bolter, Plasma Pistol, Lightning Claw
9 x Legionaries: Bolter, Bolt Pistol 

130 pts. Tactical Squad
Sergeant: Bolter, Plasma Pistol, Lightning Claw
9x Legionaries: Bolter, Bolt Pistol

115 pts. Tactical Squad
Sergeant: Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Power Fist
9x Legionaries: Bolter, Bolt Pistol

290 pts. Dark Furies
2x Chooser of the Slain (Artificer Armour)
8x Dark Furies

210 pts. Javelin Squadron
Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Multi-Melta, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Multi-Melta, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol

255 pts. Storm Eagle Gunship, Multi-Melta (Front), 2x twin-linked Lascannons (Front), Vengeance Launcher (Front)

325 pts. Leviathan Dreadnought Talon: Leviathan Siege Claw, Cyclonic Melta Lance, Twin-Linked Volkite Calivers, Phosphex Discharger 

Jukka-Pekka Heikkinen
World Eaters


Elite 1: Rampager Squad [355Pts]: Warhawk Jump Pack, Rampager Champion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Excoriator Chainaxe, 5x Rampager w/Excoriator Chainaxe, Rampager w/Meteor Hammer 3x Rampager w/Two Falax Blade

Troop 1: Despoiler Squad [180Pts] Artificer Armour, Meltabombs, Power Fist, Vexilla In transport 1
Troop 2: Despoiler Squad [180Pts] Artificer Armour, Meltabombs, Power Fist, Vexilla In transport 2

FA 1: Outrider Squadron "Venatrix 1" [155Pts]: Twin-linked Bolter, artificer, 5 outriders, fist

HS 1: Predator "310" [130Pts] 2x Lascannons, Predator Cannon

Transport 1:Rhino
Transport 2:Rhino


271. Siege Company "Breakers of Chains"
Rite of War: Berseker Assault (WE)

HQ1: Centurion, Cataphractii "Priscus" [110Pts]: Herald ,Power Maul
HQ2: Praetor-Provocator "Verus" [160Pts]: The Butcher’s Claws, Warlord, Master-craft one weapon, Paragon Blade

Elite1: Apothecarion Detachment [110Pts]2 x Apothecary, artificer armor, chainaxe
Elite2: Contemptor Dreadnought "Crixus" [185Pts] Gravis Bolt Cannon, fist, plasmablaster
Elite3: Contemptor Dreadnought "Gannicus" [185Pts] 2x Fist, plasmablaster, combibolter
Elite4: Terminator Cataphractii Squad "Nasir's Butchers" [485Pts]Thunder hammer, 2x fist, 2x chainfist in Transport 1

Troop 1: Despoiler Squad "Sura" [190Pts] Artificer, meltabombs, fist, Vexilla, Chainaxes In Transport 2
Troop 2: Despoiler Squad "Barca" [190Pts] Artificer, meltabombs, fist, Vexilla, Chainaxes In Transport 3
FA 1: Predator Squadron "272" [140Pts] 2x Lascannons, Dozer Blade, Predator Cannon, Searchlights
FA 2: Predator Squadron  310" [140Pts] 2x Lascannons, Dozer Blade, Predator Cannon, Searchlights

Leviathan Dreadnought "Spartak" [310Pts] Claw, Drill, Phosphex, Volkite
Leviathan Dreadnought "Castus" [295Pts] Claw, Drill, Phosphex, Flamers

Transport 1:Land Raider Proteus Carrier "Sands of Honor": Multi-Melta, Searchlights, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
Transport 2: Rhino Transport: Dozer Blade, Searchlights
Transport 3: Rhino Transport: Dozer Blade, Searchlights



Pataljoonan Etujoukko  
Forward Assault Detachment "Janus"

Legion Inductii Squad "Janus" [175]
10 marines, 2x meltaguns, Sergeant Janus Gladius [warlord] w/power sword
WLT: Aegis of Wisdom

Legion Tactical Squad "Romulus" [160]
10 marines, Vexilla, Sergeant w/ power fist; rhino

Legion Tactical Squad "Remus" [160]
10 marines, Vexilla, Sergeant w/ power fist; rhino

Legion Recon Squad "Hestati" [135]
5x nemesis bolters

Legion Heavy Support Squad "Vulcanus" [125]
10 x missile launchers, vox, augury scanner

Legion Scorpius "Thunder of Macragge" [120]


1. Armeijakunta
27th Mechanized Assault Battalion


Legion Cataphractii Centurion: "Delegatus Flavius Maximus"
Thunder Hammer & combimelta
Warlord trait: Burden of Kings
Retinue: 4 x Capahractii Command Squad, Land Raider w/multimelta, searchlight [580]

Legion Centurion: Master of Signals "Q'So" [95]


Legion Inductii Squad "Janus" [175]
10 marines, 2x meltaguns, Sergeant w/power sword

Legion Tactical Squad "Romulus" [160]
10 marines, Vexilla, Sergeant w/ power fist; rhino

Legion Tactical Squad "Remus" [160]
10 marines, Vexilla, Sergeant w/ power fist; rhino

Legion Breacher Squad "Apollo" [445]
2 x meltagun; vexilla; sergeant w/meltabombs and power axe; Land raider, searchlights, twin lascannon

Legion Recon Squad "Hestati" [135]
5x nemesis bolters


Xiphon "Invicta" [105]

Locutarus Storm Squad [290]
Sergeant with Thunder Hammer


Legion Heavy Support Squad "Vulcanus" [125]
10 x missile launchers, sgt w/artificer armour

Legion Scorpius "Thunder of Macragge" [120]

Jesse Laanti
Sons of Horus


Centurion [120] Chaplain, Artificer Armor, Master-crafted Power Maul, Plasma Pistol. Trait: True Son 
Veteran Squad (7) [223] Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer. 5 x Power Weapon, Vexilla, Meltagun Tactical Squad (10) [125] Power Fist, Vexilla 
Tactical Squad (10) [130] Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, Vexilla 
Tactical Support Squad (9) [223] 9 x Plasma Gun 
Seeker Squad (10) [175]



Centurion [120] Chaplain, Artificer Armor, Master-crafted Power Maul, Plasma Pistol 
Praetor [162] Master-crafted Paragon Blade, Volkite serpenta. Trait: Armour of Pride Chieftain 
Retinue [265] 4 x Power Axe, 1 x Power Sword, 1 x Power Fist, 1 x Legion Banner 


Contemptor Dreadnought [180] Gravis Power Fist, Gravis Melta Cannon 
Destroyer Assault Squad (10) [270] Legion Vexilla, 2 x Missile Launcher 
Veteran Squad (10) [372] Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Banestrike Bolters, 5 x Power Weapon, 2 x Meltagun, 1 x Magna Combi-bolter (Melta) 


Tactical Squad (14) [216] Power Sword, Plasma Pistol,  Artificer Armour, Chain Bayonets, Vexilla, Nuncio-vox, Augury Scanner 
Tactical Squad (10) [125] Power Fist, Vexilla 

Fast Attack 

Sabre Squadron [100] Neutron Blaster, Heavy bolter 
Sabre Squadron [100] Neutron Blaster, Heavy bolter 

Heavy Support 

Kratos [385] Flashburn Shells, Flare Shield, 2 x Lascannon 
Proteus Carrier [220] 2 x Gravis Lascannon, Heavy Bolter 

Antti Halonen
Space Wolves


Speaker of the Dead [165Pts]
 - Great Frost Blade, Narthecium, Meltabombs, Warhawk Jump Pack
 - Warlord: Howl of Morkai


Assault Squad [245Pts]
 - 15x Legionaries
 - 3 Power Mauls,
 - Sgt w/ Pair of Lightning Claws, Artificer Armour

Grey Stalker Pack [260Pts]
 - 15x Grey Stalkers
 - 3 Power Mauls, 3 Volkite Calivers,
 - Huscarl w/ Artificer Armour, Pair of Lightning Claws
 Grey Stalker Pack [265Pts]
 - 15x Grey Stalkers
 - 2 Power Axes, 2 Power Swords, 3 Volkite Calivers,
 - Huscarl w/ Artificer Armour, Pair of Lightning Claws

Scout Squad [65Pts]
 - Bolters

Praetor [165Pts]
 - Great Frost Blade, Warhawk Jump Pack
 - Warlord: Howl of Morkai
Command Squad [340Pts]
 - Warhawk Jump Packs, 5 Power Mauls, Power Fist, Fenrisian Axe, Chainsword
 - Legion Standard Bearer w/ Legion Standard, Power Fist

Speaker of the Dead [155Pts]
 - Great Frost Blade, Narthecium, Warhawk Jump Pack
Speaker of the Dead [135Pts]
 - Great Frost Blade, Narthecium

Assault Squad [245Pts]
 - 15 Legionaries
 - 3 Power Mauls
 - Sgt w/ Pair of Lightning Claws, Artificer Armour

Grey Stalker Pack [260Pts]
 - 15 Grey Stalkers
 - 3 Power Mauls, 3 Volkite Calivers,
 - Huscarl w/ Artificer Armour, Pair of Lightning Claws
 Grey Stalker Pack [265Pts]
 - 15 Grey Stalkers
 - 2 Power Axes, 2 Power Swords, 3 Volkite Calivers,
 - Huscarl w/ Artificer Armour, Pair of Lightning Claws
Reconnaissance Squad [155Pts] - Nemesis Bolters, Nuncio-Vox, Augury Scanner
Heavy Support Squad [305Pts]
 - 10 Legionaries
 - Lascannons,  Nuncio-Vox, Augury Scanner
 - Sgt w/  Artificer Armour

Land Raider Spartan [355Pts]
 - 2 Lascannon Arrays, Searchlights

Scorpius Squadron [120Pts]
 - 1 Scorpius

Mika Ketola
Sons of Horus



Esoteristi Consule
* Cataphractii Armour
* Force Mace
* Power Sword

6 x Chieftains
* 3 x Chain Axe
* 3 x Power Fist


"The Servants"
5 x Bound Demonic Brutes


Tactical Squad
- Artificier Armour
- Carsoran Tabar
- Meltabomb


Dark Huntsmen
Tactical Squad
- Artificier Armour
- Power Sword
- Meltabomb

Fast Attack:

Harbringers of Horus
Proteus Land Speeder
* 2 x Volkite Culverin

Eyes of Alakhai
Proteus Land Speeder
* 2 x Volkite Culverin



Alakhai the Merciless
Cataphractii Praetor 
Warlord trait: Chosen by Dark Gods
* Banestrike Combi-Bolter
* Thunder Hammer

Red Guard of Alakhai
Justaerin Command Squad
* Multi-Melta
* Chainfist
* 2 x Pair of lightning claws

- Land Raider
* Multi-Melta


Scythes of Alakhai
5 x Cataphractii Terminator
* 3 x Power Fist
* 2 x Chainfist

- Land Raider

Semai The Faithful
- Contemptor
* Lascannon

- Contemptor
* Multimelta


Blessed Legionnares
Tactical Squad
- Artificier Armour
- Power Fist


Dark Huntsmen
Tactical Squad
- Artificier Armour
- Power Sword
- Meltabomb


Eoninans of Semai
Tactical Squad
- Artificier Armour
- Power Fist


Tactical Squad
- Artificier Armour
- Carsoran Tabar
- Meltabomb


Heavy Support

Lord of Spite
- Leviathan
* Cyclonic Meltalance

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