July 21, 2024

Show of Force 2024 Results and Coverage

War Head Show of Force 2024 gathered a number of thematic, inspiring and brilliantly executed entries we were privileged to display and judge, big thanks go to all of our participants! We hope the event has been a driving force in the hobby motivation of both the entrants as well as the crowd - hopefully new ideas and miniature painting enthusiasm will spark as a result!

Below we present the Show of Force 2024 royalty! The four category winners each claimed a certificate and an assortment of brilliant hobby supplies graciously sponsored by our supporters AMMO by Mig Jimenez and AK-Interactive! This year we saw a total of 196 public votes given, increasing last year's tally by more than 30%!

Best Historical:
Jaakko Siitonen, Spain 1813

Best Sci-Fi:
Niilo Kalakoski, Space Dwarf Cossacks

Best Fantasy: 
Henri Vesanen, March of the Mad Count (Empire)

Fan Favourite:
Mikael Laaksonen, Space Wolves

+ Show of Force Facebook Picture Gallery +

Big thanks for putting on a show for all of us!

Show of Force was arranged for the second year running as a part of the Saturday program of Ropecon.

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